The CasperPad Tier System — June 2022

5 min readJun 8, 2022


As usual, the CasperPad team announced their new tiers after the last unlock of the $CSPD Public Sale. This article contains all the necessary information regarding the Tier system, and how it is relevant for joining future IDOs on CasperPad. We also introduce you to our latest implementation: Lottery Tiers.

Special for the Kunft Marketplace IDO, every one staking CSPR will be eligible to take part too!

What is Kunft Marketplace? Learn more here

Special: Dual Launchpad

As mentioned in the article about Casperpad launching its first Casper native IDO, we have something to celebrate with the community — our Dual Launchpad platform! Because Kunft Marketplace is the first Casper native IDO, there are two ways to get your allocation.

If you are staking CSPD tokens, you will be able to buy your allocation twice. You will be able to buy your allocation on Binance Smart Chain using USDC or BUSD. Additionally, you will be able to buy your allocation on the Casper Network using CSPR coins. You are free to choose one or buy both!

If you are staking CSPR coins, you will have the option to buy your allocation once. You will only be able to buy your allocation on the Casper Network using CSPR coins. Take a look at the image below for a clear overview of your options.

CasperPad — Two ways to join the Kunft Marketplace IDO

If you staked CSPD, you get two allocations credited. We reward our CasperPad community through this credit, which has always stood by our side, building CasperPad to be the best it can be.

New Introduction: Lottery Tiers

We at CasperPad are constantly striving to bring an attractive and appealing hybrid model to our community, which is why we have decided to integrate a new Tier into our model. Our Lottery model is exciting and thought out. To participate in the Lottery Tier, people who want to try their luck must send 10'000 CSPD tokens to a specific wallet address before the Snapshot. We will share the $CSPD lottery wallet address in the Kunft Marketplace IDO article, which will be published in the coming days. All $CSPD tokens that are used to buy lottery tickets will be burned.

Note. Lottery Tiers must still pass KYC and complete the tasks on Viralsweep!

There is no limit to how many tickets a person can buy; make sure to send multiples of 10'000 as ‘leftover’ tokens sent to the address will not be refunded. Buying more tickets will increase your luck of winning and potentially getting multiple allocations. We will announce the allocation size after the Snapshot!

IMPORTANT. If participating in the lottery, you must send the $CSPD tokens FROM your KYCd wallet to the Lottery address.

The CSPD Tiers

After the May 2022 public sale unlock the tiers received their usual upgrade. The new Tiers can be seen in the image below. This tier upgrade includes two public sale unlocks, April and May, as the Tiers were not changed after the April unlock. Each tier has a required amount of $CSPD tokens that need to be staked to unlock it. Staking your $CSPD tokens can be done through the CasperPad App.

Have trouble staking your $CSPD tokens? Read the CasperPad staking Guide!

CasperPad — The CSPD Tiers

The CSPR Tiers

For the Kunft Marketplace IDO, people will be able to join the public sale through staking CSPR as well. The CSPR tiers to join the IDO can be seen in the image below.

Have trouble staking your $CSPR coins? Read the Casperlabs Staking Guide

CasperPad — the CSPR Tiers

An example

Let’s say you have 60'000 $CSPD tokens staked, this will put you in tier 3. Each tier also has a corresponding pool weight. This weight will determine your allocation size. More information on that can be found further down in the article.

Now let’s say you’re not joining the IDO through staking, but want to try your luck in the $CSPD lottery. To join the Lottery, you must send multiples of 10'000 $CSPD to the Lottery wallet. One lottery ticket equals 10'000 $CSPD tokens.

Note. The Tier system works the same for both $CSPD and $CSPR


Everyone who passed KYC, is staking enough CasperPad tokens or $CSPR coins, and completed the Viralsweep tasks will be eligible to participate in the Kunft Marketplace IDO on CasperPad. The amount of $CSPD tokens you are staking will determine what tier you will be in. Before each IDO on CasperPad, a snapshot will be taken of all the stakers. This Snapshot is your KYC and staking deadline. The snapshot day is always to be announced before the IDO and usually is 1–3 days before the IDO. If you stake after this deadline, your newly staked tokens will not count towards the tiers.

Allocation Size

The allocation size per tier will be calculated after the Snapshot is taken. You will have enough time to fund your whitelisted wallet in the IDO approaching days. Still, of course, we recommend preparing as early as possible. The pool weight and our fair hybrid solution will determine the allocation size per tier, which does not allow tier 2 to have a smaller allocation than tier 1, for instance.

Future Tier Changes

As the latest unlock of CasperPads Public Sale is taking place, CasperPad will not change the Tier sizes anymore. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to adjust the Tiers accordingly in the event of price fluctuations. This way, we can continue to offer our fair hybrid model to our community.

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Written by CasperPad

The first Casper-supported, fully decentralized launchpad, built to launch innovative and industry disruptive projects on the Casper Network.

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